
Thats Crazy... Woman Burns Down Friend's House For Defriending Her on Facebook

Detectives in Des Moines arrested a 30-year-old woman suspected of setting fire to the house of a long-time friend because she recently de-friended her on Facebook.

Jennifer Christine Harris was charged with first-degree arson and is currently being held in the Polk County Jail. No one was injured in the blaze, but the family’s garage was destroyed.

According to home owner Jim Rasmussen, Harris and his wife Nikki recently had a falling out “because she ended their friendship on Facebook.” It seems the source of the conflict involves a party event that Nikki created on Jen’s behalf that received “a lot of ‘declines’.”

When asked to name a person who might seek to harm his family, Rasmussen offered Jen’s name. A subsequent police investigation strengthened suspicion of her involvement.

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