A lil bit more.
He knows I'm worth gold.
I'm like the ending to every story he's told.
He lies through his teeth; he's got a beautiful smile
He'll take the shirt off his back for ya though; I like that boy's style
Funny how time flies when u having fun.
Time stops then u feel like ur eye to eye with a gun.
Shit aint so serious tho. You gotta stop and let shit flow
He says he's chilling. When nigga is cooled off, I wont be willing.
Shit I'm not trying to fall, left with nothing when I'm giving my all.
Shit I'm not trying to force it either; a girl likes to know u need her.
I mean I'm good with or without you.
Hot Hot Hot

Bib Necklaces For The Fall

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New York, NY 10012
TEL #: 212-925-0222
Official Blackberry Bold 9700/Onyx

Jay-Z interview wit Angie Martinez

(11:45) I’m sick of myself. Seriously, I gotta shut down after this. I never been on radio or TV this much in my life. I’m sick of myself.
(9:30) [Angie: Where you at with those guys?] Yeah, I speak to Chris often. Freeway as well. I spoke to Beans when his grandma passed, we had a conversation. I don’t speak to Peedi at all, cuz he’s a psycho. [Angie: Jeez, that's harsh.] What? [Angie: That's not harsh?] No, he’s a psycho. That’s what I truly believe. Not trying to be funny or anything.
(14:20) My man OG [Juan], when we talked about Vol. 3, he told me “Man, I HATE that album.” This is my brother. Then I said, “You like ‘So Ghetto’?” He’s was like “Yeah.” “Big Pimpin? Yeah.” After seven, he’s like “Yeah, but that album was terrible.” He liked 7 records out of 14 and said it was terrible. Anybody else has three records, they’re phenomal. I have to have 14 for 14, or it’s terrible. Not even just a good album, it’s terrible. “I hate, hate, hate that album.”
(17:40) I read that you went to go see Shyne and nobody’s asked you about that.
Not true. A lie, gossip, whatever you wanna call it.
(0:25) I can’t freestyle anymore. I’m done. [Angie: Backpackers are gonna have a field day with you.] Finished. Back when I was nice.. [Laughs.]
(8:10) [After Angie plugs ThisIs50 Fest] Nobody invited me there, I’ll take a check. Somebody get at me.
Quotes to cleanup:
I’ll be honest. I almost took Reminder off at the last second.
Are there any subliminals? Nah, never… Couple landmines. Still check for other people’s subliminals? I stopped listening to records in that way.
Do you ever miss Damon? Rocafella was beautiful in its original state. That’s my answer.