
Official Blackberry Bold 9700/Onyx

Over at CIO, Al Sacco promptly thrust his middle finger at an embargo request from T-Mobile, and so now we have our first official image of the Blackberry Bold 9700, or Onyx depending on where you live. The smartphone has some nice trappings — 3G, Wi-Fi calling, visual voicemail and support for both corporate and personal e-mail accounts — and comes with pre-loaded apps such as Amazon’s MP3 store and turn-by-turn GPS from TeleNav. Earlier unconfirmed specs include a 480 x 360 resolution display, a 3.2-megapixel AF camera, 256 MB of application memory, Bluetooth and a new “trackpad” instead of the old trackball. For pricing and a release date, you’ll have to wait for the next broken embargo.

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