
Daddy's Vs. Father's

It seems some guys get confused and believe being a daddy is the same as a father....its not. A father knows their kid and daddy knows where there kid lives, a father can carry on a conversation with there kid and a daddy can ask the kid questions about there mother. Theres a big difference and its time the record be set straight so guys wont fall into the daddy category that have the potential of being a father.

1. Stop worrying about the mother and worry about your kid.
2. Stop calling whenever its convient for you or not at all
3. Stop only seeing your kid weekends, pick your kid up from school sometimes during the weekdays and make an effort to spend more time with them.
4. Stop making excuses that you cant see your kid because of your childs mom, if u really wanna see your kid theres ways you can.
5. Stop switching jobs or not working at all to avoid paying child support and work with your childs mother to give money.
6. Stop putting the childs mom down in front of the child, she raises the kid the least you can do is respect her.
7. Stop pretending your too busy for your kid when you really could hold off on watever else it is your doing.
8. Stop reproducing if you can only afford one kid, if you have more then one do what you have to do to provide for each one of them.
9. Stop spending so much money on yourself and MAKE SURE you put your kid before your needs.
10. Stop and listen to what your kid has to say and find out whay there interested in and if they cant speak learn what they like.

Theres so many things to improve on but these are just 10 points to work on, on the road from being a daddy to a real father.

1. Know there kids interest
2. Know there kids age without askin them
3. Know there kids clothes and sneaker sizes without asking the mom
4. Know there kids hobbies
5. Know there kids bad habits
6. Know there kids school, classmates and teachers
7. Know there kids allergies
8. Know there kids favorite food
9. Know there kids doctors
10. Know there kids like they know themselves

Just a few things real fathers know, if your a daddy try and work on being a father and stop making excuses because it'll only hurt you in the long run. Any guy can be a daddy but it takes a real man to be a FATHER

post inspired by @Haezus future father



  2. writing this and doing this are two very different things lets hope some of these deadbeats get a clue
