
The 8 Commandments of Good Skin

Commandment 1: DO NOT touch your face. That only leads to bacteria on the face and that's what causes clogged pores.

Commandment 2: Wear sunscreen; even on cloudy days. It's the best protection for your skin.

Commandement 3: Eat your Antioxidants. There good for you, inside and out. Eat those veggies for that glowy looking skin.

Commandment 4: Remove your make-up before going to bed. The make-up can mix with the oil and dirt. Your pores need to breath.

Commandement 5: Look into some sort of microdermabrasion. It can be from a dermatologist or a simple scrub.

Commandment 6: Buy yourself a good eye cream.They help treat fine lines.

Commandment 7: Right after a good work out wash not only your face but your neck and back as well.

Commandment8: after using conditioner, was your back and chest thouroughly. If not, this can cause body acne.

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